About Lab
Ergonomic Stream
The Human-Centered Design (HCD) paradigm focuses on the nature of user-product-technology interactions.
Given the definition, we aim to innovate wearables based on the premise of Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E). Within the HF/E paradigm, we put forth our research efforts in finding wearable product solutions for safe, efficient, and comfortable human use, with an ultimate mission to improve people’s quality of life.
As an affiliated member of the Soft Robot Research Center (SRRC; 인간중심 소프트로봇 기술연구센터), which is funded by the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT, our lab conducts research based on multidisciplinary collaborations with top-notch research labs in various fields of science and engineering who share complementary research interests with us.
Anthropometric Stream
Anthropometry is the science that defines physical measures of a person’s size, form, and functional capacities.
Understanding the human body is the fundamental core of our lab’s research endeavors as we profoundly care for developing wearables that fit well the human body, thus providing necessary comfort to make wearables truly wearable.
Size Korea is the national anthropometric project sponsored by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS). Our lab, along with our predecessors led by SNU emeritus professors Drs. Yunja Nam and Soon-Won Lee, has involved in Size Korea since its inception in 1970s through contemporary years.
Furthermore, our lab PI, Dr. Juyeon Park, has unique experience managing and operating Size North America as the state lead director in 2018, which broadens the scope of our lab’s expertise in the subject area of anthropometrics internationally.