Soft Robotics Project
소프트 로보틱스 프로젝트
The purpose of this research is to develop soft robots made of flexible materials to be fit on the human body. The primary premise of this research is “human-centered,” which focuses on human adaptability and wearability of soft robots. This research was supported by Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (NRF-2016R1A5A1938472)
본 연구는 인간중심 컨셉을 기본으로 유연한 소재를 사용하여 인체에 무리없이 착용할 수 있는 소프트 로봇을 개발하는 데 그 목적이 있음. 과학기술정보통신부, 선도연구센터사업(ERC) ‘인간중심 소프트로봇기술 연구센터’(NRF-2016R1A5A1938472)와 2021-2022년 서울대 융복합 연구지원연구사업에서 지원받아 수행되고 있음.
Lee, S. M., Lee, S. H., & Park, J. (2022). A multidimensional approach to wearability assessment of an electronic wrist bracelet for the criminal justice system. Fashion and Textiles, accepted.
Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., & Park, J. (2022). Development of a 4D hand gripping aid using a knitted Shape Memory Alloy and evaluation of finger-bending angles in elderly women. Fashion and Textiles, accepted. (공동 1저자, 공동 교신저자)
Jung, W. K., Lee, S. M., Park, J., & Ahn, S. H. (2022). Development and assessment of a knitted shape memory alloy-based multifunctional elbow brace. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 0(0), 1-21. doi/10.1177/15280837211056983 (공동 1저자, 공동 교신저자)
Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., & Park, J. (2020, November). 4D knitting grip assist glove based on Shape Memory Alloys: Wearable device development and functionality assessment. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., & Park, J. (2020, November). Development of a thermal massaging elbow brace using knit-based shape memory alloys. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
Kim. H. S., Koo. D. S., Nam. Y. J., Cho. K. J., & Kim. S. Y. (2019). Research on technology status and development direction of wearable robot. Fashion & Textiles Research Journal, 21(5), 640-655.
Han, M. W., Jung, W. K., Kil, J. H., Lee, S. M., Nam, Y. J., & Ahn, S. H. (2018, July). Shape Memory Alloy-based textile actuators and applications. Oral presented at International Symposium of Precision Engineering and Sustainable Manufacturing, Sapporo, Japan.
김연주, 홍유화, 양향옥, 김선영, 남윤자, 박대근, 조규진. (2017, 9). 상지보조소프트로봇의 의복화 연구, 한국의류산업학회 추계학술대회, 서울.