The WEAR Lab at Seoul National University has been established in 2020 by Dr. Juyeon Park, Associate Professor in the Department of Fashion and Textiles. Our lab possesses a proud history of it inception and operation by SNU emeritus professors including Drs. Won-Ja Lim, Soon-Won Lee, and Yun Ja Nam.
Dr. Won-Ja Lim (1962 ~ 1997) taught and researched on block pattern drafting and standardization of clothing size systems. Dr. Soon-Won Lee (1971 ~ 2000) initiated the nation’s very first anthropometric survey, the Size Korea project in 1997.
The latest predecessor, Dr. Yun Ja Nam (1997 ~ 2020) carried out scientific and utilitarian studies that support the advance of academic world and actually help the allied industry such as automatic body measurement by using 3D body scanning, classification of body type development of automatic pattern algorithms, as well as functional clothing for people in special occupations.
The root of our research background also comes from Drs. Marilyn DeLong and Karen LaBat, co-directors of the Human Dimensioning Laboratory at the University of Minnesota in the United States, who have world renown expertise in body cathexis, 3D body scanning and wearable product development.
We continues exploring novel research ideas with a mission to create positive impacts on our society, by developing innovative wearable products based on deep appreciation of the human body and its relationship with the environment.