Af. 2020 Conference Presentations
Hong, Y. (2024, 11). Just Like a Second Skin: Optimizing the Base Layer for Clothing-Type Wearable Robots with Enhanced Attachment and Wearability. Oral presented at the 2024 ITAA(International Textile & Apparel Association) Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, USA. [Student Best Paper, Doctoral Level]
Lee, S. H (D)., Hong, Y., Lee, S. -M., & Park, J. (2024, 11). Experienced Pain with a Gait-Assist Wearable Robot: A Gender Perspective. Oral presented at the 2024 ITAA(International Textile & Apparel Association) Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, USA. [2024 Margaret Rucker Paper of Distinction Award]
Chen, L. & Park, J. (2024, 11). Ergonomic Block Patterns for Older Women: Considering Aging Factor in Body Deformities. Oral presented at the 2024 ITAA(International Textile & Apparel Association) Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, USA.
Kang, S., Park, S. J., Koh, Y. A. & Park, J. (2024, 11). Toward Emotional CMF Design: Sentiment Analysis of Eco-Friendly Fashion Products. Oral presented at the 2024 ITAA(International Textile & Apparel Association) Annual Conference, Long Beach, California, USA.
Koh, Y. A., Park, J. (2024,11). User Needs for Wearable Monitoring Systems: A Case of South Korean Police Officers. Oral presented at the 2024 Annual Fall Congress of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
Kim, M., Park, S. J., Park, J. (2024,11). Effect of Wearable Robot Loads on the Human Body: Sex Differences. Oral presented at the 2024 Annual Fall Congress of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
Park, S. J., Kim, M., Park, J. (2024,11). Proposing a Novel and Alternative Evaluation Protocol for Impact of Soft Wearable Robots on Human Body Using Lactate Concentration. Oral presented at the 2024 Annual Fall Congress of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
Lee, J., Luo, Y., Kim, M., Park, J. (2024, 11). Guidelines for Adaptable Hardware Attachment on Wearable Lumbar Support: Based on Dynamic Skin Deformation. Oral presented at the 2024 Annual Fall Congress of the Ergonomics Society of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, Korea.
Lee, S. H (J)., Koh, Y. A., & Park, J. (2024, 7). A Systematic Approach to Comprehend User Needs for Wearable Devices: Application of the extended FEA Consumer Needs Model. Oral presented at the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Nice, France.
Lee, S. H (D)., Lee, S. H (J)., Luo, Y., Kim, H., & Park, J. (2024, 5). Integrating user needs and 3D technologies into design of a wearable assistive foot sleeve for an aging professional woman with walking disability. Oral presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Jeju, Korea.
Kang, S., Park, S., Koh, Y. A., & Park, J. (2024, 5). Co-design of customized wearable smart innerwear with a cerebral palsy patient. Oral presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Jeju, Korea.
Lee, S. H (D)., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Understanding user sentiments on sustainable apparel products through text mining: Utilizing generative AI for extraction of affective Descriptors. Poster presented at the ITAA-KSCT Joint Symposium, Maryland, USA.
Kang, S., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Human-centered transformation from a robotic foot orthosis to soft wearable shoes: A design case of radical innovation. Poster presented at the ITAA-KSCT Joint Symposium, Maryland, USA.
Park, S., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Proposing a novel and alternative evaluation protocol for impact of soft wearable robots on human body: Lactate threshold values under incremental exercise load. Oral presented at the ITAA-KSCT Joint Symposium, Maryland, USA.
Kim, S., & Park, J. (2023, 11). A user-centered approach to determine the optimal level of avatar body representation for immersive virtual fitting room. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA.
Lee, S. M., Hong, Y., Lee, S. H (D)., & Park, J. (2023, 11). The effect of ergonomic fit on walking performance of a gait-assist wearable robot. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA.
Lee, S. M., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Development of a soft wearable exoglove for rehabilitation assistance: A novel application of knitted shape-memory alloy as a flexible actuator. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA. [Student Best Paper, Doctoral Level]
Hong, Y., Lee, S. M., Lee, S. H (D)., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Clothing pressure as a measure of wearability: Gender differences in a wearable robot. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA.
Lee, S. H., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Ergonomic block patterns for older women’s athleisure pants: Applying the 3D surface flattening and pattern reduction method. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA. [Student Best Paper, Master’s Level]
Lee, J., & Park, J. (2023, 11). Inclusive design of wearable lumbar support for older women with chronic back pain. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Maryland, USA. [Paper of Distinction Award, Design/Product Development Track]
김서우, 김경선. (2023, 10). 3D Draping Simulator의 아바타 비교 연구 -성인여성 하반신 체형을 대상으로-. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표. 서울.
김서우, 이주연, 박주연. (2023, 10). 고령자 인체치수 DB 활용 증진을 위한 산학연수요조사 -한국인 인체치수 조사사업의 일환으로-. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 구두발표. 서울.
천린, 홍유화, 박주연. (2023, 4). 인체공학적 패턴 교육을 위한 새로운 교수법 제안 - 3D 모델링 기반으로 제작한 Half Body를 이용하여 -. 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표. 서울.
이주연, 박주연. (2023, 5). 사용자 중심 디자인 설계를 위한 체계적 사용자 요구사항 분석 방법. 한국의류산업학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표. 대구.
김서우, 박주연. (2023, 5). 몰입형 가상피팅룸(I-VFR)의 공간배경 및 의상요인에 따른 아바타 지각과 사용자 경험. 한국의류산업학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표. 대구. [우수 논문 발표상]
Kim, S., Kim, H., Cho, Y., Lee S., & Park, J. (2022, 10). Automatic Human Body Measurement Using Deep Learning Neural Networks. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Colorado, USA.
Lee, J., Hong, Y., Cho, Y., & Park, J. (2022, 10). Proposing a Direction for Comprehensive Wearability Assessment of Military Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): A Systematic Review Approach. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Colorado, USA.
Lee, S. M., Kim, M., & Park, J. (2022, 10). An ergonomic glove pattern drafting method for hand assistive devices. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Colorado, USA.
박성진, 이기욱, 박주연. (2022, 10). 인체에서 영감받은 가볍고 간편한 이너웨어 형태의 엑소수트. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 구두발표. 서울. [우수 논문 발표상]
김현욱, 박주연. (2022, 10). 착용성이 향상된 인체공학적 장갑 설계를 위한 패턴 제작 프로토콜 -3D 스캔 형상을 활용한 2D 패턴화 방법을 중심으로-. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표. 서울.
홍유화, 이소현, 양재하, 이기욱, 박주연. (2022, 10). 기능성을 유지하고 착용성을 향상시킨 소프트 웨어러블 로봇 시스템 개발. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표. 서울.
이소현 (D), 박주연. (2022, 10). 웨어러블 착용으로 인해 발생할 수 있는 피부 저온 화상 방지를 위한 PCM의 활용이 웨어러블 미세환경에 미치는 영향. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표. 서울.
Shin, G., Lee, S. M., Im, H., Kim, S., Kim, J. S., Park, J.,& Ahn, S. H. (2022, 8). Knitted SMA (Shape Memory Alloy)-based ergonomic hand rehabilitation glove. Oral presented at the International Conference on Energy, Aquatech and Sustainability, Ansan, South Korea. (공동 1저자)[우수 논문 발표상]
Kim, H., Kim, S., Cho, Y., Lee, S., & Park, J. (2022, 5). User flow design of a mobile application for automatic body photograph acquisition: Focused on enhanced usability and positive user experience. Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Cho, S., Cho, M., Yoo, H., Hwang, Y., Kim S., & Park, J. (2022, 5). Determining user preferences of virtual avatars in the fashion metaverse: The effect of avatar reality and characteristics of companions. Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Koo, D. S., & Park, J. (2022, 5). Appropriate weight determination of artificial breasts for mastectomy patients: A comparative analysis of balance by different load carriage in static and dynamic postures. Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
고영아, 이수민, 이민정, 박주연. (2022, 5). 조선 후기 한복 치마의 가슴 부위 압박에 관한 인간공학적 고찰. 한국복식학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표. 온라인.
홍유화, 이주연, 조예성, 박주연. (2022, 5). 군용 PPE 평가를 위한 동작 프로토콜 개발. 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표. 온라인.
Choi, J., Bae, Y. Y., Choi, J., Min, J. K., Park, H., Hong, K. J., Ko, S., & Park, J. (2021, 11). Smart biometric wearable system for disaster response: A chromatic triage system. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
Hong, Y., Koo, D., Kim, H., Cho, J., Ahn, J., & Park, J. (2021, 11). The effect of back-loaded distribution on metabolic energy and subjective fatigue: An ergonomic evaluation for the development of a new personal protective respirator. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
Hong, Y., Shin, S. W., Bae, Y. Y., & Park, J. (2021, 11). Thermochromic Exothermic Cycling Wear (T.E.C.). Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
이수민, 이소현, 박주연. (2021, 10). 형상기억합금 니트 기반의 노인 여성을 위한 여행복. 한국복식학회 추계국제학술대회 구두발표, 온라인. Lee, S. M., Lee, S. H (Jane)., & Park, J. (2021, 10). Travel wear for elderly women using the knitted shape memory alloys. Oral International Conference on Korean Society of Costume, Online. [우수 논문 발표상]
Kang, S., Ahn, J. E., & Park, J. (2021, 10). Development of Ergonomic soft wearable running shoes for injury prevention. Oral presented at the Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
김현욱, 김서우, 조예성, 이소현 (Jane), 박주연. (2021, 10). 가상 의류시스템의 활용을 위한 인체 이미지 획득 어플리케이션 모델. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표, 온라인. Kim, Kim, H. W., Kim, S., Cho. Y. S., Lee. S. H. & Park, J. (2021, 10). 가상 의류시스템의 활용을 위한 인체 이미지 획득 어플리케이션 모델. Poster presented at the Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
이수민, 이소현, 이다인, 박주연. (2021, 10). 생체신호 모니터링 전자팔찌에 대한 인체적합성 분석. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 구두발표, 온라인. Lee, S. M., Lee, S. H (Jane)., Lee, D. I., & Park, J. (2021, 10). The wearability evaluation of an electronic bracelet for biomonitoring. Oral presented at the Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
조예성, 김서우, 김현욱, 오한빛, 신승원, 박주연. (2021, 10). 딥러닝을 활용한 인체 치수 자동 측정 -3D 데이터로부터 획득한 2D 이미지 학습 데이터셋을 이용하여-. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 구두발표, 온라인. Jo, Y. S., Kim, S., Kim, H., & Park, J. (2021, 10). Cho, Y. S., Kim, S., Kim, H. W., Oh, H. B., Shin, S. W., Park, J. (2021, 10). Automatic measurement of human body using deep learning - Using the 2D image learning dataset obtained from 3D data -. Oral presented at the Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online. [우수 논문 발표상]
Jung, G., Oh, H., Xie, J., Jung, J., Cho, E., & Park, J. (2021, 4). Development of a wearable hand assistive device for hemiplegic patients. Poster presented at the Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Lee, S. M., & Park, J. (2021, 4). Ergonomic analysis of foot characteristics of patients with Hallux Valgus for the development of wearable assistive devices. Poster presented at the Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Kang, S. K., Shin, S., Kim, T., Lee, Y., Hong, Y., & Park, J. (2021, 4). Design and development of a 3D-printed foot orthosis with a custom insole for patients. Poster presented at the Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
오한빛, 신승원, 박주연. (2021, 4). 2D 이미지 기반의 가상바디와 3D 스캔 형상의 치수 및 형태 차이 비교. 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회 포스터발표, 온라인.
이수민, 정우균, 박주연, 안성훈. (2021, 4). 형상기억합금 편물을 이용한 4D 그립 보조 장갑 설계 – 노인 여성의 손가락 굽힘각 평가를 기반으로 -. 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회 구두발표, 온라인. Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Park, J., & Ahn, S. H. (2021, 4). 4D grip assist glove using the knitted Shape Memory Alloy – Based on the evaluation of finger bending angle in elderly women -. Oral presented at the Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Hobbs, K., Morris, K., & Park, J. (2020, November). Custom Paralympic shooting jacket: A single-case virtual product development project. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of the International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), Online.
Park, J. (2020, September). The role of base-layer cooling conditions in human error occurrences during doffing of personal protective equipment for health care workers. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, Online.
Park, J., Ogle, J., Baytar, F., Harmon, J., Ridgway-Clayton, J., & Xu, Y. (2020, November). Human body in the digital era: Virtual technology and its applications in textiles and apparel. Special Topic Session at the Annual Conference of the International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA), Online.
Park, J., Ogle, J. P., & Frederickson, M. (2020, May). The effect of virtual avatar experience on self-concept in young female adults: The integration of 3D body scanning in the visual stimulation process, Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles (ICCT), Online.
Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., & Park, J. (2020, November). 4D knitting grip assist glove based on Shape Memory Alloys: Wearable device development and functionality assessment. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
Lee, S. M., Jung, W. K., Ahn, S. H., & Park, J. (2020, November). Development of a thermal massaging elbow brace using knit-based shape memory alloys. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association, Online.
이수민, 이재경, 설선홍, 이상현, 천린, 박주연. (2020, 10). 지속 가능 소재를 사용한 뇌졸중 후 환자를 위한 웨어러블 손 재활 보조 제품. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표, 온라인.
Lee, S. M., Lee, J., Seol, S. H., Lee, S. H., Chen, L., & Park, J. (2020, October). Wearable hand rehab-assist product for post-stroke patients using sustainable materials. Poster presented at the Autumn Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.이수민, 윤초롱. (2020, 10). 재활 제품 광고에서 연령 라벨링이 베이비붐 세대의 제품 태도와 구매 의도에 미치는 영향. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표, 온라인.
Lee, S. M., & Youn, C. (2020, October). The effect of age labeling in advertising of rehabilitation product on baby boomers’ product attitude and purchase intention. Poster presented at the Autumn Conference of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, Online.신승원, 오한빛, 김도균, 박주연. (2020, 10). 2D 정면 사진 정보 기반의 의류 사이즈 예측 시스템 구현. -인공지능 Inception V3 알고리즘을 활용하여-. 한국의류학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표, Online.
Lee, J., Nam, Y., Park, J., & Park, J. (2020, August). Designing a lumbar corset for the elderly based on body shape characteristics : A gender comparison. Poster presented at Gender summit Global, Seoul.
Jung, G. I., Oh, H. B., & Park, J. (2020, May). Anthropometric analysis of Koreans’ lower facial structure for ergonomic respirator design. Posted presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Jung, G. I., Roh, S. H., Kim, J. Y. & Park, J. (2020, May). A study on methodology for determining air leakage rate based on the gap between the respirator and face. Posted presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Kim, Y. J., Koo, D. S., Nam, Y. J., Shin, N. R., Ahn, J. E. (2020, May). Analysis of the differences in breast displacement and trajectory in Korean. International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Korea.
Lee, S. M., & Kim, J. (2020, May). Analysis on the artistic value of hand knitting. Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.
Lee, S. M., & Nam, Y. J. (2020, May). Analysis of changes in Korean male hand size trends for redefining glove sizing systems. Poster presented at the International Conference on Clothing and Textiles, Online.