Sportswear Project
스포츠웨어 프로젝트
We have conducted a wide range of industry-university collaborative projects for sportswear design, from the competitive Olympic-level to the diverse consumer-level such as for skiing, snowboarding, cycling, running, yoga, and athleisure. Representatively, we have collaborated with the U.S. Paralympic Shooting Team and many global sportswear companies including Nike, Under Armor, Pearl Izumi, Spyder, Smart Wool, etc.
우리 연구실은 미국 장애인 올림픽 사격팀을 비롯해 다수의 글로벌 스포츠웨어 회사와 협업하여 올림픽 레벨 기능성 스포츠웨어에서부터 스키, 스노보딩, 사이클링, 러닝, 요가, 애슬레저까지 다양하고 폭넓은 스포츠웨어 개발 과제를 수행해 오고 있음.
* Due to privacy contracts with private companies, project outcomes are not in public (개인 회사 프로젝트 결과는 공개되지 않음).
Hobbs, K., Morris, K., & Park, J. (under review). Developing custom sportswear for athletes with mobility disabilities: A single-case study of the development of a Paralympic jacket, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal.
Morris, K., Park, J., & Sarkar, A. (2017). Development of a nursing sports bra using an integrative co-design method. Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 35(4), 290 – 306. doi: 10.1177/0887302X17722858
홍유화, 남윤자. (2017, 5). 사이클 운동을 위한 스마트 웨어 설계 및 평가, 한국의류산업학회 춘계학술대회 구두 발표, 대구.
Park, J., Podmore, M., & Ivy, L. (2014, November). Collaborative product development of a weight support harness. Oral presented at the Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, NC.
Yu, U-J., & Park, J. (2014). Consumers’ virtual product experiences and risk perceptions of product performance in the online co-design practice: A case of NIKEiD. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 43(1), 29-46.