Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2021 KSCIC

Our lab members have participated in the International Conference on Korean Society of Costume (KSCIC, 한국복식학회 국제학술대회) held on October 23, 2021, and Dr. Park moderated a keynote session entitled “Mapping the UK fashion, textiles, and technology ecosystem”. Our lab members, Soo-Min Lee and So-Hyun Lee, presented a study on the development of travel wear for elderly women using the knitted shape memory alloy (SMA), and this study was awarded the Best Oral Presentation Award! Congratulations!

  • Lee, S. M., Lee, S. H., & Park, J. (2021, October). Travel wear for elderly women using the knitted shape memory alloys. Oral presented at the International Conference on Korean Society of Costume, Online.


2021 ITAA Conference (국제의류학회)


Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2021 KSCT